District Governor John LoBosco is pleased to share with us that the Nominating Committee nominated Past President Dick Hall of The Rotary Club of Portland to be our District Governor in 2021-22. 

Dick first joined Rotary in 1984, when he followed his grandfather and father by joining The Rotary Club of Worcester, MA. Dick's father (age 96) and his uncle (age 86) are still members of that club. Dick's father served as Governor of District 7910 in 1987-88. Dick's sister and his daughter are Rotarians in our District's Westbrook-Gorham and Portland Sunrise clubs.

Keep an eye out for the District Newsletter in December, when Dick's nomination will be formally announced (as our Bylaws require) and some of Dick's extensive Rotary resume will be shared at that time.

Please join us in congratulating Dick on his nomination and thank him for his willingness to serve.