News of The Rotary Club of Portland, Maine
May 29, 2024
This Week's Speaker: Jared Cash, President and CEO George Mitchell Institute
As Mitchell Institute President and CEO, Jared Cash brings nearly 20 years of educational experience at Maine public and private colleges and universities to his present executive leadership position. In that capacity Jared ensures George Mitchell’s dream and the mission of the organization, “to increase the likelihood that young people from every community in Maine will aspire to, pursue, and achieve a college education.” Prior to joining The Mitchell Institute, Jared served as Vice President of Enrollment and Marketing at the University of Southern Maine, overseeing a broad portfolio of programs, including several student opportunity programs, including Jobs for Maine Graduates and Federally funded TRIO programs. Jared graduated from Bates College and returned to become their Senior Associate Dean of Admissions. His Master’s Degree from Northeastern University is concentrated in higher education initiatives. As a graduate of Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School, Jared enjoys seeing his family growing up in his hometown community where he lives in Norway with his wife, their two daughters, and their terriers.
Ask a friend, "Who is the hero in your life?"
Bits and Pieces
Broadway Bowl was the site of our Thursday Night Social for May, and by all accounts it was a great time. Rotary rolls!  No we guess what happened at Broadway Bowl, stays at Broadway Bowl. Ain't that the truth!
SHRED REMINDER:  If you have personal documents cluttering up your office or basement,  then get to the Shred Event of the Year! Portland Rotary is hosting a shredding event on June 15, 9-1 PM at the TD Bank Branch at 362 Allen Ave in Portland.Questions, ask Larry Gross!
Amy Chipman has announced another event with the Cultivating Community coming up at the newly rebuilt Libbytown Community Garden and they would love our help. The location is 175-193 Dougless Street in Portland.  This spring in response to finding soil contamination, the City, in line with EPA safe growing guidelines, has built 45 new raised beds and a fabric barrier, we need the community's help to finish the project and get the garden all set for the growing season!The next  volunteer opportunity is Saturday, June 1st 9 am - 1 pm (lunch provided!) - Compost brigade! Filling the beds with soil and mulching the garden paths.  More info - ask Amy!
Portland Rotarians also have another opportunity for some light gardening work on Saturday, June 22nd from 9-12.  Andrea Southworth, Friends of Ft. Williams Ecology Project Manager, will meet us at the Goddard Mansion area of the Fort Williams park in Cape Elizabeth, where we will assist in planting and mulching native plants.  For the more ambitious, invasive species removal is also an activity we have been invited to partake in.  The rain date will be the following Saturday, June 29th.  I will send out reminders, but please let me know if you would like to participate in this project!  Contact Ellen Niewoehner for more info!
First Notice: Mark Dion is the mayor of Portland. His application to rejoin the club is sponsored by Dick Hall and Tom Ranello. Mark has previously served as Cumberland County Sheriff 2002-2010, in the Maine legislature 2013-2015, in the Maine Senate 2016-2020, and Portland City Council 2020-2023. His name will be published a second time and then his application will be voted on by the Board of Directors.
If any Portland Rotarian would like to offer a comment on a proposal, please send it to our Club President, It will be shared with the Board of Directors prior to a vote on the application.
Speaker Schedule
June 7 - Mark Dion, Mayor of Portland (Also past club member, returning to the club!)
June 14- Carolyn Nishon. Executive Director Portland Symphony Orchestra
June 21 - Mike Roughton, Exec. Dir.  Association of Maine Manufacturers
June 28 -Dick Hall, Year in Review, Office Changeover
July 5- No Meeting, 4th of July Holiday Weekend
July 12- President Patty Byers
July 19- Portland Sea Dogs- Annual Picnic Lunch at Hadlock Field
July 21 - Sunday - Hadlock Field Presentation "Flags For Heroes"
Club Executives
President  Dick Hall
President Elect  Patty Byers
Vice President  John Thompson
Treasurer  Dick Hall
Secretary  Tom Nickerson
Board of Directors  Bruce Jones,
Ben Millick, Quinn Slayton, Zachary Newell,
David Ertz, Maggie McGauley
Sergeant-At-Arms  Jake Bourdeau
The Windjammer
is published online by
The Rotary Club of Portland, Maine.


Contributing Editors
Jake Bourdeau, Larry Gross,
Erik Jorgensen, Julie L’Heureux,
Ben Lowry,  Zach Newell, Bruce Moore,
Tom Nickerson, Dave Patterson,
Tom Talbott, Laura Young

Program Chair  Doreen Rockstrom
4th Quarter Chair  Roxane Cole
       Managing Editor  Tom Talbott
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