News of The Rotary Club of Portland, Maine
August 14, 2024
We are now meeting at our new home base, the Elks Lodge,
1945 Congress Street, Portland.
This Week's Speaker: Cary Tyson, Exec. Director Portland Downtown
This Friday, we welcome Cary Tyson, who will talk about the importance of downtown's in a community's economic development efforts.
Cary serves as the Executive Director of Portland Downtown, a 501c4 organization that works to stimulate a thriving, vibrant, and sustainable downtown community. Previously he served as Director of Community & Economic Development for the Kennebec Valley Council of Governments. He holds a Master's Degree in Public Administration & is a veteran of the United States Air Force National Guard. He was a 2020 America Walks Walking College Fellow and is a 2023 graduate of the International Downtown Association's Emerging Leaders Fellows.
Bits and Pieces | by Tom Talbott
YOUTH EXCHANGE UNDERWAY: Zach Newell saw his daughter Maya off from Logan Airport in Boston on her Youth Exchange trip to Yaizu, Japan (near Mt. Fuji), and confirmed that all went well on the journey. Maya arrived at the Haneda Airport in Tokyo and was warmly greeted by her host family, waiting at the terminal with some great Rotary Welcome signs!  Maya's host mother, Mitsuko Furuya gave Maya a SIM card to activate her phone, and Maya texted Zach saying that she would shortly be boarding the bullet train to Yaizu. All very exciting! Photos below!
On this end, Zach says he will picking up our incoming exchange student, 15 year old Antonio Soriano Lujan, from Valencia, Spain, due to arrive here in the States on August 22nd. Antonio will spend the first three months with Zach and Angelique Newell, and the final three months with Erik Jorgensen and Tamara Risser. We wish everyone a great time!
HAPPY HOUR ON THE HILL: Charlie Frair opens up his place on Munjoy Hill each month for  Rotary Happy Hour, a simple BYO get-together. At the August 8th gathering, Patty Byers, Dwayne Black, Ellen Niewoehner, Charlie, Amy Chipman and Roger Asch enjoyed a beautiful summer evening!
CLUB BUDGET:   With no meeting last Friday, we'll report that President Patty Byers noted that the Board of Directors met on August 5, 2024, and approved both the 2024-2025 budgets.
Comments on Operating Account
• As expected, we ended the year in a strong financial position and almost all of the dues have been collected.  
• The 2024-2025 budget is balanced.
• While that Elks Lodge bills $24/meal, the new budget includes for a $25 meal charge, plus $5 meeting fee for those who do not eat.
Comments on Charitable Account
• We ended the year with a strong balance sheet due to the endowment account.
• Outside donations for the DR Hearing Center fund are coming in strong.
• The budget has contingencies for not spending if Lobster Raffle or Stair Climb fundraisers are not as strong as hoped.
• The budget includes moving $14,000 from endowment to Charitable account in accordance with Charitable Endowment Fund spending policy.
The budgets will be posted on the website along with minutes from the August 5th meeting for review.
NEW MEMBER: Second Notice: Anyah White has applied for membership. She is the Administrative Coordinator for Career Services and Field Placement Programs at the University of Maine School of Law and lives in Portland. She was a member of her high school Interact Club and Rotaract at Temple University. She enjoys knitting, hiking, running, reading, and attending local theater. Katherine Hall is her sponsor. After this publication, her application will be voted on by the Board of Directors.
Speaker Schedule
August 23 - Dr. Linda Durst, Suicide as a Public Health Issue
August 30 -  No Meeting - Happy Labor Day!
September 6 - Bob Mackenzie, District Governor
September 13 -  Salvation Army "Others Award"
September 19 - Thursday Night Social Event
September 20 - No Meeting
Club Executives
President  Patty Byers
President Elect  John Thompson
Vice President  Justin Lamontagne
Treasurer  Dick Hall
Secretary  Tom Nickerson
Board of Directors Dick Hall,  Quinn Slayton, Zachary Newell, David Ertz,
Maggie McGauley, Art Howe,
Nannette Ranger-Duncanson
Sergeant-At-Arms  Jake Bourdeau
The Windjammer
is published online by
The Rotary Club of Portland, Maine.


Contributing Editors
Jake Bourdeau, Larry Gross,
Erik Jorgensen, Julie L’Heureux,
Ben Lowry,  Zach Newell, Bruce Moore,
Tom Nickerson, Dave Patterson,
Tom Talbott, Laura Young

Program Chair  Doreen Rockstrom
1st Quarter Chair  Dave Putnam
       Managing Editor  Tom Talbott
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