News of The Rotary Club of Portland, Maine
July 24, 2024
This Friday's Meeting: "Flags For Heroes" Ceremony at the Maine Mall - Please note the agenda and timing!
This Friday, we have another remote on-the-road club meeting, and please note the timing and agenda.
At approximately 11:45am-12noon, Rotarians will convene in the Food Court area of the Maine Mall. You will be on your own to purchase a lunch from one of the many vendors at the mall. There is no reserve seating, but we'll carve out an area to dine together. There is no "Club Meeting" per se with an opening salutation or announcements.
At 12:25, we will walk down to the Rotunda area (Best Buy Avenue) where the flags will be displayed.  (Photo above!) At 12:30, President Patty Byers will begin the ceremonies. We have several guest speakers who we each speak for 2-3 minutes, and we'll conclude with"God Bless America" led by Nannette Ranger-Duncanson. Join us for this wonderful display of recognition for 171 heroes, and our growing program.
If you can not join us for this ceremony, please make it a point to visit the display of flags at the Mall, now through August 5th. Thank you to all that honored a hero in your life, and we hope that you can share it with them, or with others who share the memory.
FLAGS FOR HEROES AT HADLOCK FIELD:  They'll be plenty to talk about at upcoming meetings, but we can report that our Sunday event at the Sea Dogs game was a rousing success! Our flag display on the field, in conjunction with the Summit Project, was made a powerful impression on all spectators. Our flags represented heroes from all walks of life. The Summit Project is a living monument that is in place to remember Maine service men and women who have passed away since 9/11, currently a total of 85. Off the field, our information booth in the concourse was busy from pre to post game, putting us out in front of the community. Great chance to tell our story. Plenty more to come, but here are a few photos!
Bits and Pieces | by Larry Gross
TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLPARK: Forty-seven Rotarians and their guests joined us at Hadlock Field on a splendid summer afternoon for the Club’s annual Portland Rotary Seadogs picnic. We were served the traditional hot dogs and hamburgers, followed by the legendary Sea Dogs Seabiscuit.
CLOSER FIRST:  President Patty threw us a change up by starting the meeting with our special guest speaker, Sea Dogs Manager, Chad Epperson (see the program review for Chad’s insightful Q&A session). After Chad’s departure, the regular meeting agenda opened with Nannette Ranger-Duncanson (photo) launched us into a rousing rendition of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”. Paul Tully led the Pledge of Allegiance. Continuing with the day’s baseball theme, Charlie Frair provided the message for the day relating lessons learned from three baseball heroes from his youth (Detroit Tigers, all – Charlie grew up in Tiger territory in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula): Al Kaline; Frank Lary, and Micky Lolich. Charlie shared notable heroic qualities from their baseball careers, notably Lolich’s 195 complete games, a statistic unmatched in today’s game of short innings work using multiple hurlers.
WE HAVE A NEW HOME BASE: President Patty announced that the Club’s Board of Directors had unanimously approved a plan to relocate our weekly meetings to the Portland Elks Lodge on outer Congress Street beginning Friday, August 2nd. Meal price will increase slightly to $24. The Lodge will be open for Committee meetings beginning at 10:30 on our meeting day. She thanked Mike Fortunato and Dave Putnam for their leadership in locating and negotiating a great alternative meeting site for the Club on short notice.
SALUTE OUR FLAG GUESTS: President Patty conducted a roving introduction of visitors and guests to accommodate our picnic bench seating. Paul Tully introduced several Flags for Heroes corporate sponsors who joined him for the meeting: Steve DiMIllo, of DiMillo’s Restaurant, Ron Guerin of the Varney Agency, and Joe Powers of Great Diamond Partners Wealth Management. He also recognized our Major Sponsor, Rowe Auto Group as well as sponsors: The Portland Radio Group, Conroy Tully Walker Funeral Homes and Portland Sea Dogs. A well-deserved shout out was given to Tom Talbott and Paul Gore for their behind-the-scenes efforts to secure sponsors and produce all of the signage being used to promote the event. Also recognized were several Club members who secured sponsors through their business or employers: Roxane Cole, Bill Milliken, Dave Putnam, and Bruce Jones. An awesome collective of engaged supporters, sponsors and heroes in their own way who have made “Flags” a signature fundraiser and community recognition event driven by the Portland Rotary Club. Well done everyone!!
HAPPY HOME RUNS: In addition to our attending sponsors, we had many Rotarian spouses, partners, friends, and one grandchild join us. We were delighted to welcome long time member Alan Levenson, who celebrated his 90th birthday last week, with a spontaneous chorus of “Happy Birthday” in his honor. Many Happy Dollars were awarded: Mike Fortunato thanked Roger Fagan for his remarks at the Celebration of Life for Past President John Marr the previous evening, Dave Small gave a generous donation to recognize Charlie Frair, Paul Tully, and all other involved for their efforts to bring “Flags” to new heights, Jan Chapman was thankful that Bruce Moore was such an agile “burglar” on their recent camping trip in Rangely (ask Jan for details!).  Dick Hall was thankful for the many well wishes he received from Club members after breaking his right thumb recently (Sympathetically, Amy Chipman challenged Dick to play pickleball left handed while he recovers to keep his hand to eye coordination sharp).
FIELD OF DREAMS: Amy Chipman made a Community Service Committee announcement on behalf of Zach Newell reminding the Club of an opportunity to volunteer with Cultivating Community on a project at the Payson Park Community Garden on July 23, 9am - 12 Noon. We're looking for a sturdy group of people to come out and help us weed and lay down wood chips. Cultivating Community will provide a water station to refill water bottles, sunscreen, light snacks, and music to keep us energized. (Photo- Sam Chipman, Amy Chipman having fun at the Sea Dogs picnic!)
SIGNALS FROM BENCH:  Closing out the meeting, Charlie Frair provided details for our Sunday "Flags For Heroes" event at the Sea Dogs game. All volunteers will meet at 11am, and be "ready for anything!". We have a plan, however there are many variables in play, so be ready to pivot and roll with the changes!
Paul introduced the 30 second radio announcement written by Tom Talbott and produced by the Portland Radio Group (PRG) for us to hear. The PRG has donated airtime worth $30,000 to promote our Flags for Heroes project and the Portland Rotary Club. Keep an ear out for it, it’s exceptional!
Last Week's Speaker: Q&A with Portland Sea Dogs Manager, Chad Epperson | by Erik Jorgensen
Chad Epperson, Manager of the Seadogs spoke to the club during our annual picnic at Hadlock Field. This is his third year in the position, the most recent post in a distinguished career as a manager within the Red Sox system. His past affiliations have included the Sarasota Red Sox, the Augusta Green Jackets, the Greenville Bombers, the Wilmington Blue Rocks, The Lancaster Jet Hawks and the Salem Red Sox, in addition to Portland. He loves the team, the park and the job – and says he’s not sure he’d want to be a big-league manager – it’s too public. His immediate plan is to work this coming winter season in the Dominican Republic.
Ben Lowry asked about Marcelo Mayer, whom he has had the pleasure of umpiring in California. He’s the Seadogs top prospect. Epperson agreed that Mayer is currently “excelling in every phase of the game” from swinging to throwing to base running. With the trade deadline looming, the Sea Dogs roster is apt to change, but fingers are crossed that Mayer will remain in Portland for now. Epperson also noted the skills of Kyle Teel - the catcher “is doing great. He lives for baseball. So much passion. He’s six months into pro ball and is in the left lane for sure.”
Bowen Depke asked about the balance between winning games and maintaining a focus on player development. Epperson noted that “we are in the Boston system, and they are expected to win every night.” He added that if you are working on the right development strategy, winning takes care of itself.
Ben then asked an existential question for all umpires: “What do you think about robot umpires?” Epperson acknowledged that electronic calling is likely here to stay, but in reference to human umpires, he added “I sort of trust you guys”.
Erik Jorgensen asked about any changes that have happened since Diamond Baseball Holdings bought the Sea Dogs. Epperson said that there have not been significant changes and that it seemed unlikely to him that they will make too many changes to the formula – the Sea Dogs have been a very successful club. He added that the Burks were great as owners.
Whan asked about the Hadlock level of facilities – Epperson said that opposing teams are likely the best gauge: “They love coming here and playing here. It’s a unique ballpark. He added that players coming to Portland from Greenville tend to love it – it is their first taste of New England, and “after May it’s really beautiful”.
Dave Small asked about the new pay structure. Epperson replied that while “nobody’s buying Rolexes, now players can focus more on their game than on their bills.” He added that the former structure in which players stayed with host families is now mostly obsolete.
Dave Putnam lined out a hardball at the end: “What about Pete Rose in the Baseball Hall of Fame?” Epperson expertly handled it, noting that “it was like a political question – Trump or Biden.” He acknowledged his own preference for Trump, but –tellingly-- never revealed his position on Rose.
Second Notice: Scott Gorneau has applied for membership. He is an active member of the Rotary Tennis group. Scott is a Vice President of Convergent Water Technologies and lives in South Portland. He is an avid tennis, pickleball, and hockey player.  He is also a longtime volunteer coach for the Casco Bay Hockey Association. Bill Blount is his sponsor. After this publication, his application will be voted on by the Board of Directors.
If any Portland Rotarian would like to offer a comment on a proposal, please email it to our Club President, Patty Byers. It will be shared with the Board of Directors prior to a vote on the application.
Speaker Schedule
August 2 - Niki Curtis, Humanitarian Outreach to Poland Trip Review
August 7 -  Wednesday Social Event - Portland Sea Dogs Game
August 9 - No Meeting (Social took its place!)
August 16- Dr. Linda Durst, Suicide as a Public Health Issue
August 23 - Cary Tyson, Portland Downtown District
August 30 -  No Meeting - Happy Labor Day!
Club Executives
President  Patty Byers
President Elect  John Thompson
Vice President  Justin Lamontagne
Treasurer  Dick Hall
Secretary  Tom Nickerson
Board of Directors Dick Hall,  Quinn Slayton, Zachary Newell, David Ertz,
Maggie McGauley, Art Howe,
Nannette Ranger-Duncanson
Sergeant-At-Arms  Jake Bourdeau
The Windjammer
is published online by
The Rotary Club of Portland, Maine.


Contributing Editors
Jake Bourdeau, Larry Gross,
Erik Jorgensen, Julie L’Heureux,
Ben Lowry,  Zach Newell, Bruce Moore,
Tom Nickerson, Dave Patterson,
Tom Talbott, Laura Young

Program Chair  Doreen Rockstrom
1st Quarter Chair  Dave Putnam
       Managing Editor  Tom Talbott
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