Posted by Bob Martin

President Don Zillman opened the meeting, welcoming 48 members and 2 guests.


Peggy Westcott led us in reflection with the invocation and Kathy Grammer helped us sing our patriotic song.


Roger Asch shared the purpose of the Good Cheer Committee and requested that everyone share with the committee any news about Rotarians, or their family members, who are sick, in the hospital, or dealing with a challenge, so that we can help comfort or provide encouragement. Committee members are listed in the Club roster.

Speaking of Club rosters.....THEY WILL BE AVAILABLE THIS COMING FRIDAY AT OUR MEETING! DON'T FORGET TO PICK YOURS UP (Your name will be on the back cover).

Dick Giles shared the results of the 3H Project’s effort with solar lights and water filters. So far, the team has installed 145 water filters, sufficient to serve almost 2,000 people. Last year, the team provided 50 solar lights. This year, the 3H Project has a goal of providing 70 lights. These cost $15 each. Dick encouraged donations, and within minutes had received over $1,000 from members in attendance, including $500 from an anonymous donor. PLUS YOU CAN make a donation by contacting Loretta or Dick at a meeting....or email Dick at

Steve Mortimer, conducting the weekly raffle, tried to give away the $546 in the pot to lucky opportunist, Julie Chase, who could only find the Jack of Diamonds in the mix. The pot thickens.